Yesterday really was a lovely day. So cold and rainy, that
even Jet the Australian Shepherd was all cuddly. Of course he grumbled and growled when I scooped him
nose-end up to me and cradled him in my arms.. but then he went all floppy and
nuzzled into my neck and my day was made.. I buried my nose in his fur and
revelled in the glorious herb-scented, mushroomy, dogginess of him.. so soft
and fluffy after all my brushing of the day before.. You can get lost in that
dog, when he goes all soft like that…I love him to bits!
Especially as he was the only
one brave enough to go out into the teeth of the storm on Friday night,
with lightening flashing and thunder crashing all around us, and branches
falling, as we slippy-slid the two hundred paces up to the pump house to turn the water on – and then
again, 45 minutes later, to turn it off.. and he is terrified of storms! I think that is what finally got the ‘flu into high
gear, all the drenching.
It was very exciting though..! Unlike Jet, I love storms, the wilder, the better. I felt like a heroine in an
old movie, fording the swollen river in the face of the wailing wind and icy
sleet, bearer of the vital message about
the Boche raid for the brave men of the
Resistance, her faithful dog by her side…! A vivid imagination can get you through anything.

“Hello? This is Klaas.. I’m at your gate?”
“Erm.. hi there Klaas…” (frantic brainscan for any forgotten
appointments with Klaas, followed by second even more frantic brainscan for a
Klaas, any Klaas)
“I lost my white Altdorf (?) German Shepherd..?”
“Oh – (stifling yawn and trying to focus eyes) sorry to hear
“I heard it was at your house..?”
“Oh..!! (light dawns) Yes! Of course…!" (I had broadcast a message about a lost
Pekinese on Saturday)
" But, … erm.. that was actually a Pekinese..?”
Pekinese on Saturday)
" But, … erm.. that was actually a Pekinese..?”
“Oh…” says Klaas, crestfallen. Then, brightening, “Can I see
it?” (Just in case I had somehow mistaken a Pekinese for his white German
shepherd. As can so easily happen....)
“Um..the thing is, it isn't here. Oh dear…and you came down this awful road for nothing..? Sorry about that..! Frans de Bruyn knows where it is”
“Oh! Alright! Thanks, I’ll go and ask him. Bye..!”
The phone rings again.
“Hullo..?” I mumble.
“This is Klaas..”
“Oh. Hi Klaas..?” (can’t help sniggering at how this sounds,
even in my sleepy state)
“Where do I find Frans de Bruyn?”

Drifting… drifting.. back to my dream.. my arm is so cold.. shivering..
cold… and wet.. Wet? WET. Why is my arm wet..? Wide awake now! Whip blanket
off, mystery is revealed in the form of Bubba, who is sopping wet, wide-eyed
and shivering under the blanket, like an orphan seal beached on a foreign shore
after a storm. ALL the dogs were wet. Their wet had just not penetrated yet.. I
got up, sneezed, fetched a towel, sneezed, and started dying seven dripping
dogs…Clearly this was going to be a long day..
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